
2018 for the win!

Ready to make 2018 your money's best year ever?

Are you one of the 40 percent of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions? If so, and you plan to make 2018 the year you spend less and save more, you’re in good company: research from iQuanti ranked this financial goal fifth of the top seven from last year, ahead of traveling and a little behind “learn new hobbies.” (“Get healthy” was first, and “read more” rounded out the list at number seven.)

new years resolution

Reflecting on recent behavior can help set you up for success. Consider whether you:

  • Took advantage of the hot real estate market. Would it have been helpful to refinance your existing home loan and reduce your interest rate, or finally make that move to your dream home and take the larger tax deduction on interest?
  • Handled savings in a way that maximized your reserves. Did you invest in the stock market during this up year?
  • Asked for help when needed. You don’t have to know everything about finance, you just need to know people who do.

Small changes, even those that take a short time to complete, can have lasting, positive financial effects. Let our team of experts help you analyze your situation and make 2018 your money’s best year ever.


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