April 2018

What is FinTech?

FinTech is a popular term that might have heard, but you may not really understand what it is. If you don’t, you’re not alone! A recent survey of American consumers aged 18 to 69 found that 63 percent of survey respondents had never heard of FinTech. So what is FinTech, really? FinTech is short for …

What is FinTech? Read More »

Trivia Time: April

How well do you know your birthstones? April babies have a shiny one to claim! Find the trivia question answer hidden in the image. Happy birthday, April babies! We hope you have a wonderful year ahead.

Trivia Time: What is the most popular song of all time?

Any music lovers out there? Let’s see if you can get today’s trivia question. What is the most popular song of ALL time? Hint: It was written by Chubby Checker. (We’ve got the answer hidden below.) Just for kicks, what’s the top pick on your playlist? We’d love to hear it.

Whew! Tax season is over.

Whew! Tax Season 2018 is over. What did you learn from your return that will change your tax strategy for the rest of the year and help you save your hard-earned dollars?